Child in a classroom setting sat at a desk looking enchanted by what is happening off camera

Individual Support

Educational Psychologist, Learning Mentors

Sometimes children need a more bespoke approach if their needs are acuter or if group therapies haven’t been effective. Our pastoral team includes Aggie Mesmain (Early Help Manager) and Oliver Hunt (Family Liaison Officer). Aggie supports children to cope with change and challenge at home. This may include being a young carer, coping with a family break up and extended families and witnessing violence.

We also offer one to one sessions on behaviour support at home. Whatever the problem, however small, you may be experiencing challenges with getting your child to complete homework, going to bed on time or perhaps developing independence. Please do email the office if you would like an opportunity to meet with Mrs Mesmain. She will then contact you to find a suitable time and date.

We also work with an educational psychologist who works closely with the school and families to identify mental illness early. Pascale Mather is our Educational Psychologist. She can provide family support through individual sessions exploring emotional and behavioural barriers to a child’s learning and wellbeing. Pascale is very well placed to support teachers and parents in breaking negative cycles of low progress and poor mental health through individual pupil observations and assessments.

If you would like to make an appointment to speak to Pascale, please contact Will Cannock, the school SENCo.