Full time and part time places are available, although availability is dependent on capacity.
What is included in fees?
A Ratio of 4 children per 1 member of our experienced and dedicated staff for Tiny Tim and 8 children per adult in Trotwood.
The Nursery provides snacks, water and pull up nappies. However not included are special nappies and families are encouraged to provide their own.
9 am to 3pm-£60 (Tiny Tim) / £55 (Trotwood)
9 am to 12pm-£30 (Tiny Tim and Trotwood)
Breakfast club from 8 am – £8
After school club from 3 pm to 5.30 pm – £20
Lunches – the school receives funding for lunches for 3 days per week. If your child attends for 4 or 5 days a week, the charge is £2.15 per day for the extra days.
2-year-Olds – 15 Hours Free Eligibility
From the term, after their second birthday, some children are entitled to 15 hours of free Early Years education per week during term time. Parents of these children will be informed of their entitlement by their local authority. At Charles Dickens, we have a number of part-time places reserved for those entitled to free provision.
3-year-Olds – 30 Hours Free Eligibility
From the term, after their third birthday, some children are entitled to 30 hours of free Early Years education per week during term time. Parents can apply for this via the government’s childcare choices website. At Charles Dickens, we have a number of part-time places and full-time places reserved.
Wrap Around Care
Early morning sessions are from 8 am to 9 am and cost of £8 per day which included breakfast
Later Afternoon sessions run from 3.00pm to 5.30pm and cost £20 per day.
Payment Terms
Fees will need to be paid half termly in advance.
Fees are paid via Parentpay (parent/carers will be given login and password details on starting at the school). Childcare voucher payments/salary sacrifice are accepted by the school. Childcare Tax and Working Tax Credits are available from the Inland Revenue to help with up to 80% of your childcare costs.