About your child’s development
At the end of the nursery day, staff will endeavour to tell you about your child’s day, however, this can be a very busy time and so it isn’t always possible. You can request to meet your child’s key worker or the nursery teacher at a mutually convenient time.
Parents are invited to a parent’s evening once a term where we will discuss your child’s progress in depth and parents are given a review report once a year.
Your child will take part in a termly class assembly – this will showcase their recent learning and interests. The dates for the class assembly appear in the first newsletter of each term (you can also check with the school office).
Each Wednesday we encourage parents to join our stay and play sessions once the children are settled. These last one hour from 9 until 10.
About the school
There is a newsletter which is distributed every Friday.
Additional news and information will also be sent to you.
General information and news can be found on the school website.
The school also holds occasional seasonal celebrations such as the Summer Fair and Winter Shows – nursery children are involved in both.