At Charles Dickens, we encourage children’s artistic development from Nursery through to Year 6. We are lucky enough to have a full-time specialist Art teacher leading the curriculum, working with a passion for nurturing artistic confidence and originality.
Our Art curriculum (which encompasses the objectives outlined in the national curriculum) is taught through four strands:
- drawing and painting
- 3D Art – this includes sculpture and textiles
- printmaking
- lens-based media
The curriculum also builds progression in the following visual elements of Art:
- colour
- tone
- line and shape
- form and space
- texture and pattern
Each term of learning begins in the same way with children studying an artist’s work in detail. The artist will be chosen because of their work is a strong example of a particular skill across the strands and areas.
The canon of artists’ works chosen cumulatively develops in complexity from the Reception year to Year 6.
Following an appreciation of the artist/designer’s work (and the movement to which it links), pupils will have the chance to imitate part of the artwork or skill demonstrated in the artworks. Once pupils have developed confidence and skills to imitate what they have observed and understood, they innovate their own works by using and applying the new knowledge and skills taught with freedom.
Pupils are also encouraged to evaluate their artworks and those of others, describing how they made their work, indicating parts which have been particularly successful, and suggesting ways in which their work might be modified or improved.
Where appropriate, the Art curriculum makes links with history, science, and geography if this helps children understand an artist more fully; however, this will never be at the expense of the Art progression model.
Curriculum Enhancement
Visits to art galleries including the Tate Modern, the White Cube and The National Gallery are important to further inspire and motivate the children. All children visit an art gallery at least once per year.
Children who demonstrate great enthusiasm and potential are supported in developing a portfolio of art through additional lessons. Each year several children apply successfully for art scholarships at secondary school.
We also have after-school Art clubs known as ‘Lant Street Art School’ and children are welcome to attend and develop their own art projects using the wide range of school resources and supported by the Art teacher.
Each term children present their work in a large-scale exhibition known as ‘creative open house’ and parents are invited to view their children’s work in a ‘gallery’ presentation.
Charles Dickens PS is also proud to host London South Art Hub – a completely open-access primary art education platform that offers weekly online lessons, exclusive artist interview films, and an online children’s Art gallery.