Children playing in a playgorund


Excellent schools require excellent governance

Our governing body are proud of the quality of governance they provide to Charles Dickens Primary School

More on this page

Charles Dickens Primary School is part of The Charter Schools Educational Trust (the 'Trust'), a Multi-academy Trust of schools based in south east London. Our mission is to work together to build better futures for children and young people.

Our Trust family currently includes primary and secondary schools, including nursery and sixth form provision, each based in the London Boroughs of Southwark and Lambeth. For more information about the Trust, including governance, policies and financial reports please visit

Annual audited accounts can be found here

Registered Office: The Charter School North Dulwich, Red Post Hill, SE24 9JH

Tel: 020 7346 6600


Company Number: 07338707 Registered in England and Wales

Meet our governors

Paola Wilson
Parent Governor (Chair)
Michael Eggleton
Ex-offico (Headteacher)
Deborah Lipszyc
Governor (Vice-chair)
Tim Kipps
Governor (Safeguarding)
Aggie Mesmain
Staff Governor
Marcus Lyon
Robert Beveridge
Parent governor
Lee Brady

Historic (left within the last 12 months)

There are no historic governors who have left within the last 12 months

Governance Minutes

The minutes of LGB meetings are available by request to the Clerk to the LGB, Carrie Fentum, by emailing

The role of governors

Each school in The Charter Schools Educational Trust has a local governing body (LGB) composed of a group of volunteers drawn from the wider community, each bringing a range of skills, expertise and experience. Our governors provide links between the school, parents/carers, the local community and the Trust Board, which is ultimately responsible to the Department of Education for the performance of all its schools.

Governors’ responsibilities are to:

  • think and work strategically to help raise standards
  • monitor and evaluate progress
  • ensure that the budget is managed effectively
  • support the head and staff, and hold the senior leadership to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils


The day-to-day running of the school remains the responsibility of the core leadership team.


Governors are appointed by the Trustees except for parent governors (two), who are elected by parents and carers, and staff governors (two), who are elected by all school staff

Governor Vacancies

Are you looking to make a difference in your local community? Maybe you’ve seen school governors in action and have considered becoming one yourself? We are currently looking to appoint new members of our local governing body at Charles Dickens Primary School.

As a school governor you will provide support and challenge to the school's senior leadership team and will work with other governors to help develop the strategic vision for the school and maintain strategic oversight on progress towards the school's Key Priorities, including in areas relating to pupil progress and attainment, safeguarding, staff workload and wellbeing and stakeholder engagement.

We actively welcome and encourage applications from communities who tend to be under-represented in school governance. We are committed to continuous improvement in how representative we are of our local community, gender, ethnicity, religion, age, professional background, and all other aspects of diversity.

You can find out more about the role and what is involved by downloading the role description below, where you will also find an application form. If you would like to speak to someone about what being a local governor entails before applying, please contact the Trust Governance manager, Carrie Fentum on and she will be happy to speak to you about the role.

If you are interested, please download and complete the application form and return it via email to the Trust Governance Manager, Carrie Fentum, on no later than 31 January 2024.

Potential candidates will be invited in to meet a panel of current members of the local governing body.

You can find out more information and an application form below:

There are no current governor vacancies