At Charles Dickens Primary School and Nursery, we are proud to offer a wide range of clubs throughout the year, all run by our dedicated staff. These clubs are designed to enrich your child’s school experience, and we are committed to ensuring that every child has access to free clubs each term.
Book NowMonday
Arts & Crafts
Eco Art
Home Learning
Pilot Club
World Cinema
Coding Club
Creatures of the Deep
Engineering Club
Home Learning
Social Skills
British Sign Language
Fitness Club
MBA Business Concepts
Street Dance
Due to additional academic groups and interventions, there may be some terms where fewer clubs are available compared to others. However, we always strive to maintain a diverse and engaging selection of clubs. There are always enough clubs for every child in the school.
To make the most of this opportunity, we encourage families to view these clubs as a way to support their child’s interests and development, rather than as a form of childcare. This allows children to explore activities they truly enjoy.
Here’s how the process works:
- Each family is invited to select three club preferences for the term ahead. Click here to add your choice.
- We will do our best to allocate every child their first choice. However, as some clubs have limited spaces to ensure safety, we may need to allocate their second or third choice if their first is unavailable.
While this system may not be perfect, we are proud of the unique offering at our school. It’s rare to find another school that provides such an extensive range of free clubs, and we are excited that we are able to continue to share this opportunity with your family.
If you would like to attend a paid club, please use your ParentPay account (Clubs will be updated during the first week back)
Please remember that we encourage children to lead or attend a lunchtime club. If your child is interested in running a lunchtime club, please encourage them to speak to Mrs Mesmain. Over the years we have had many exciting clubs including dance, chess, colouring, robots, Harry Potter club, dinosaurs and lots of arts and crafts. Once the full list of lunchtime clubs is available we will share them with the children in assembly. (No sign-up is required)
Please see the full list of clubs below.
Music Clubs and Lessons
- Violin (group and individual lessons)
- Keyboard (group and individual lessons )
- Trumpet (individual lessons )
- Ukulele Club (Year 3 +) )
- Guitar (Group and individual lessons)
- Choir groups (Years 5/6 and Years 3/4, by audition)
Please speak to Mr Nathan or the school office to find out more
Lunchtime clubs (Spring 2025)
We encourage children to plan and run their own clubs at lunchtime which are supervised by an adult. We are proud that a huge number of children have taken on this challenge therefore providing many extra club options at lunchtimes. There is no need to sign up for these clubs and children can attend on an ad-hoc basis. The clubs on offer this half term include:
Monday: Rock Painting Club, Arts and Crafts, Horror Monster Drawing Club, Recycling Art Club, Clay, and Eco Art.
Tuesday: Teddy Bear Club, Ballet, Harry Potter Club, and Minecraft Drawing.
Wednesday: Finger Crochet, Sports, Sports Games, Jewellery Making, and Theatre Club.
Thursday: Ball Games, Harry Potter Club, Uno, Singing, and Dancing.
Friday: Comic Club.