Child in a classroom setting sat at a desk looking enchanted by what is happening off camera


Join our school

We have 60 places each year in our reception classes, 56 across our nursery classes and we occasionally have places available in other year groups. For Nursery admissions, see the section below.

Primary School Admissions are administered by our Local Authority, Southwark and we adhere to their processes and policies for administering places fairly. In the event of there being more applications than places available, then Southwark apply our oversubscription criteria (outlined in our admissions policy). For more information of primary admissions look at the primary admissions section of the Southwark Website

Instructions showing you how to apply online can be seen here

Southwark admissions can be contacted at;

School admissions team (4th floor)
Children’s Services
Southwark Council
PO Box 64529
London SE1P 5LX
020 7525 5337

Admissions Appeals

The deadline for returning the completed appeal form is Monday 2nd June 2025 by 23.59pm.